Monday, August 2, 2010

do pet rats make good pets?

The answer is YES. For most families rats make the perfect pet. They don't take up to much room nor do they need your attention 24/7. If you plan to let your child be the care giver of a rat please make sure they are ready for the responsibility a good age would be about 8 years of age. Rats are very intelligent animals. They can be taught to do certain tasks and most have great personalities. The more time you spend with your rat outside the cage the more of a relationship you will have with them. Rats are better in pairs or groups. Some people even compare them to dogs but smaller and easier to clean up after. Rats are not dirty animals they keep themselves groomed and clean. Rats are nocturnal they do most of their sleeping during the day but not all rats sleep during the day, every rat is different. They live for about 2-5 years. Their biggest medical downside would be tumors but you reduce their chances if you have them neutered or spayed. Which brings me to my next subject of which is better males(bucks) or females(does)? Females are more active and males are more lazy and do get a lot bigger than a female. Their cage should be cleaned at-least once a week and feed daily. Rats are the perfect pet for most people.

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